Male Witch Repents


Dear Friends,

My heart is full as I share with you today. Many people reach out after stumbling upon our radio show, Exploring the Word, on AFR. Today I’d like to tell you about one such man.
John [name changed to protect his identity] grew up in a “spiritual” family in the state of Texas. That is, his parents read the horoscope and on occasion visited a fortune teller.

One day, eight-year-old John and his pals tromped home from school, a neighbor lady got chatting with them. She inquired of the group: Have you ever heard of Jesus? They had not, and this dear woman shared John 3:16 with them and led John and his friends in a prayer
and John accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior right then and there!

Later in life, John found himself in a miserable place. He’d never really grown in his faith, and now he served as a Marine, a tough guy frequenting bars and often ending up in fist fights. His relationships were an absolute wreck. John became desperate and pursued power through the influence of a male witch, who become his mentor. His mentor had supernatural powers, and John wanted them too. He was studying spell casting, but could not seem to do it.

“Wait.” His mentor scrutinized. “Have you ever asked Jesus into your life?” John, stunned, admitted he had.

“This won’t work if you’ve done that. You must renounce Jesus and any claim he has on your life. Then you will receive these powers.”

Misled, John made the choice to renounce Jesus at that time.

This past week, God worked powerfully in John’s life. He heard Bert and I on the radio, and contacted American Family Radio, his heart burning with the question….Could he be saved? Was redemption possible?

Praise God, I was able talk with John on the phone. He was weeping, a broken man. He wanted to come under the Lordship of Jesus but wasn’t sure if God would forgive him. I explained that even Peter denied the Lord three times…yet Jesus restored him (Luke 22:54-62). In addition, I shared the truth of John 6:37: All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out (NKJV). Praise God! John believed, confessed his sin, and returned to Christ! He prayed, “Satan has no more claim on me. I am the property of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

What a way to start the New Year! My new friend John affirmed that he belonged to Christ! What about you? Your story will likely be different that John’s, but why not start the New Year affirming Jesus’ Lordship in your own life? Take a moment and pray: Lord, thank you that you are faithful to complete the work you’ve started in me (Philippians 1:6). I trust you with the year ahead and re-affirm that you are the Lord of my life. I will go where you call me to go. I will speak the words you call me to speak. I will love those around me with your love. By your grace, help me to follow you moment by moment, so that this entire year ahead in 2023, my life will be pleasing to you. Amen.

Alex McFarland

Alex has preached in over 2,200 churches throughout North America and numerous more internationally. He also speaks at Christian events, conferences, debates, and other venues to teach biblical truths and preach the gospel.

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