Apologist and Author Squares Off with Military Religious Freedom
Foundation Leader at Colorado Christian University on April 11
CHARLOTTE, N.C.—Religion and culture expert, national radio host and author Dr. Alex McFarland (www.AlexMcFarland.com) believes so much in the right to exercise faith in the public square that he’s debating one of the foremost opponents of this same ideal.
Tomorrow evening in Colorado, McFarland will take the stage with Michael L. “Mikey” Weinstein, founder and president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), for a live debate at Colorado Christian University. During the event, McFarland hopes to communicate to Christians the importance of knowing their faith and knowing how to defend it.
WHO: Dr. Alex McFarland and Mikey Weinstein, Esq.
WHAT: Debate on religious liberty in the public square
WHERE: Colorado Christian University Event Center, 8787 W. Alameda Ave., Lakewood, CO
WHEN: 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, April 11, 2017
HOW: The event is free, but registration is required. Video recordings and live broadcasting will be permitted and space will be reserved for press. Email info@cofamily.org. The debate will also be live-streamed online at youtube.com/user/CentennialInstitute/live.
The debate is sponsored by the Colorado Fireline Coalition and will be moderated by Dan Caplis, morning radio host for KNUS 710 News/Talk in Denver. For the event, McFarland will be joined by Theresa Lynn Sidebotham, Esq., founder of Telios Law PLLC, and Weinstein will be joined by Scott Moss, who teaches and conducts research at the University of Colorado Law School.
Read more about the debate participants here.
McFarland’s newest book, Abandoned Faith: Why Millennials Are Walking Away and How You Can Lead Them Home,” co-authored with apologist and evangelist Jason Jimenez, explores why millennials are leaving the church and how those who love them can bring them back. “Abandoned Faith” features conversations with top Christian leaders and sheds new light on what Christian parents must do to reach their young adult children.
View the media page for Alex McFarland here. For more information on Dr. Alex McFarland, visit www.AlexMcFarland.com or follow him on Facebook or on Twitter @AlexMcFarland.
To cover the debate, book Dr. Alex McFarland for interviews or receive a review copy of “Abandoned Faith,” contact Beth Harrison at 610-584-1096, ext. 104, Media@HamiltonStrategies.com, or Deborah Hamilton at 215-815-7716 or 610-584-1096, ext. 102.