Atheists on the Wrong Side of History—Again


As First Atheist Billboards Are Posted, Dr. Alex McFarland Says Non-Believers Choose Christmas to Spread Their Irrelevant Message

CHARLOTTE, N.C.—Almost a December tradition, the American Atheists group is posting two different “Atheist Christmas” billboards in Virginia this month, encouraging Americans to essentially leave “Christ” out of Christmas.

According to WSET ABC-13, covering Lynchburg, Danville and Roanoke, the first billboard shows a text message exchange where a young woman says she’s not going to church this Christmas because she doesn’t “believe in that stuff anymore” and her parents will “get over it.” The second blatantly uses President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign slogan by stating, “Make Christmas Great Again—Skip Church!”

This Christmas, says religion and culture expert and author Dr. Alex McFarland (, atheists are on the wrong side of history—again.

“Even some of the most noted non-believers assert that Jesus’ death is irrefutable,” McFarland said. “Yet, each December, atheists use the Christmas season to leverage any opportunity to spread their irrelevant message. For someone as insignificant as atheists say Jesus was, they sure capitalize on the Christmas season to market their non-beliefs. If He wasn’t born in a manger and if His life was a fable, why not put these billboards up around the country in June? Because they know that millions celebrate—and revere—Jesus’ birth and know that He alone is the reason for the season.”

The billboards will be up all month in Virginia, and others are planned for Colorado, Georgia, Louisiana, and South Carolina, where McFarland also serves as Director for Christian Worldview and Apologetics at the Christian Worldview Center of North Greenville University (

“It is important for people to know religion has nothing to do with being a good person, and that being open and honest about what you believe—and don’t believe—is the best gift you can give this holiday season,” said American Atheists President David Silverman, whom McFarland will debate in February in Canada.

McFarland added that even the attempt to generalize the Christmas season with a “Happy Holidays” greeting falls flat, as that phrase is actually based on “Holy Days.”

“So even in their quest to generalize and water down Christmas and avoid the ‘C-word,’” McFarland said, “atheists miss the mark yet again.”

McFarland recently unveiled his new blog at, with categories such as Church & Ministry, U.S., World, Politics, Entertainment, Relationships and Inspirational, with posts including “Five Freedoms No President Can Take Away,” “Prayer Can Change a Nation—Steps to Unleashing Its Power” and “The Truth About Political Correctness.” Read more here.

McFarland serves as Director for Christian Worldview and Apologetics at North Greenville University ( in Greenville, S.C., and he is also the author of “The God You Thought You Knew: Exposing the 10 Biggest Myths About Christianity,” “10 Questions Every Christian Must Answer,” “10 Issues that Divide Christians,” “10 Answers for Skeptics” and the “Stand” series of devotions for teens. McFarland is an expert in the field of apologetics—the practice of defending the Christian faith in a world where faith in Christ is plummeting at alarming rates.

McFarland has spent years working with young people and takes their questions to heart. He has preached in more than 1,300 churches and has been featured at conferences such as the Billy Graham School of Evangelism, Focus on the Family’s “Big Dig” and California’s “Spirit West Coast,” sharing the platform with Chuck Colson, Eric Metaxas, Josh McDowell and others.

Part evangelist, part apologist, part educator and part broadcaster, McFarland focuses on communicating the message of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. He co-hosts the daily, live radio program “Exploring the Word” on American Family Radio’s Talk Network, heard on more than 125 stations across the country, and the weekly television show “Viral Truth,” airing on the National Religious Broadcasters Network, which he co-hosts with Jason Jimenez.

For more information on Dr. Alex McFarland, visit or follow him on Facebook or on Twitter @AlexMcFarland.


To book Dr. Alex McFarland for interviews, contact Beth Harrison at 610-584-1096, ext. 104,, or Deborah Hamilton at 215-815-7716 or 610-584-1096, ext. 102.

Alex McFarland

Alex has preached in over 2,200 churches throughout North America and numerous more internationally. He also speaks at Christian events, conferences, debates, and other venues to teach biblical truths and preach the gospel.

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