Dr. Alex McFarland: Socialists Demanding Ouster of ROTC on Campus Undermine National Security


Tolerance and Self-Expression Are Hallmarks, As Long As It Lines Up With Their Views

GREENSBORO, N.C.—The Washington Examiner recently reported that a group of socialist students wants to put an end to the ROTC training group on their college campus, citing the desire to “prevent students from going to die at war while the wealthy sit at home.”

While the students believe they are fighting for the rights of fellow students who are being taken advantage of by the rich and the government, religion and culture expert, national radio host and author Dr. Alex McFarland says they are undermining national security and potentially stealing opportunities from their peers.

According to the Examiner, the Young Democratic Socialists of America at City College of New York (CCNY) posted a flyer attacking the campus ROTC scholarship program, declaring “R.O.T.C. Off Our Campus: The Rich Will Never Die For You, Don’t Die For the Rich.”

“Not only are these students undermining national security, they are also spreading anti-American and unpatriotic sentiments,” said McFarland, who is also Director for Christian Worldview and Apologetics at the Christian Worldview Center of North Greenville University (NGU) in Greenville, South Carolina. “For all their cries for social justice and diversity, these students—and many others like them around the country—can’t bear to see young Americans who want to serve their country through military service thrive and succeed.”

For many years, ROTC—Reserve Officer Training Corps—has enabled students to receive college degrees for free or at a greatly reduced cost in exchange for a commitment to a career as a military officer. According to the ROTC website, the program is offered at over 1,700 colleges and universities and prepares young adults to become officers in the U.S. military. ROTC also says the program is one of the most demanding and successful leadership programs in the country, and the ROTC experience teaches leadership development, military skills and career training.

“But apparently, these reasons aren’t good enough for the Young Democratic Socialists of America,” McFarland added. “They cannot, or refuse to, identify with or support anyone who wants to serve their country, learn valuable skills and avoid massive college debt after graduation. It’s another glaring example that they are all for tolerance and self-expression, as long as it lines up with their views.

“As I have said many times after traveling to hundreds of colleges and universities around this great nation,” he continued, “parents must be vigilant and not send their children to be educated by faculty with these perspectives, where these views are pushed by fellow students or where the college administration turns a blind eye.”

The Young Democratic Socialists of America at CCNY also participated in National Walkout Day in March to protest a lack of gun control after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida.

View the media page for Alex McFarland here. For more information on Dr. Alex McFarland, visit www.AlexMcFarland.com or follow him on Facebook or on Twitter @AlexMcFarland.


For more information on TNG or to interview Dr. Alex McFarland, contact Deborah Hamilton, Media@HamiltonStrategies.com, 610.584.1096, ext. 102, or Emily Brunner, ext. 100.

Alex McFarland

Alex has preached in over 2,200 churches throughout North America and numerous more internationally. He also speaks at Christian events, conferences, debates, and other venues to teach biblical truths and preach the gospel.

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