Early Bird Deadline for Dr. Alex McFarland’s Truth for a New Generation Conference Just Days Away


40 Days of Prayer for Event Happening Now Through Mid-September, Faithful Pray That God Will Bring ‘Truth for a New Generation


GREENSBORO, N.C.—The speakers who will share truth at Dr. Alex McFarland’s Truth for a New Generation (TNG) conference next month are newsmakers.


For example, author and radio host Dr. Michael Brown wrote one of the most popular columns in The Christian Post last week, titled “Every Customer of Planet Fitness Needs to Read This Shocking Story.”


Likewise, legendary apologist Josh McDowell shares daily devotionals with more than 70,000 followers on Twitter, where he shares such truths as “The Bible is permanent, perfect, and unchanging, just like Christ is, for our benefit!”


And just last week, “Counter Culture Mom” Tina Marie Griffin gave her presentation, “Hollywood Exposed,” at the 2018 Great Lakes Christian Film Festival in Buffalo, New York.


For more than two decades, McFarland has been gathering influential speakers like these for the national Truth for a New Generation events. Now, he is taking his apologetics conference on the road, with the first regional stop in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, on Sept. 14-15. The early bird deadline for the two-day event ends this Saturday, Aug. 19.


“The people we are welcoming to this fall’s Truth for a New Generation conference in Tennessee are true change-makers and culture-shakers,” McFarland said. “They are captivating audiences, readers and listeners everywhere, and we are thrilled and honored that these champions for Jesus who want to see the hearts of America’s youth changed are part of Truth for a New Generation.”


At TNG in Tennessee, McFarland, Brown, McDowell and Griffin will also be joined by faith investigator and author J. Warner Wallace, former jihadi Kamal Saleem, American Family Radio’s Meeke Addison, worship leader and Stage 2 Ministries founder Cindy Johnson, and Church For All Nations senior pastor Mark Cowart, among others.


The early bird rate of $34.95 for the Tennessee event ends Aug. 19 and includes general admission to the conference and exhibits, hosted by New Vision Baptist Church. A VIP lunch option Saturday is also available, which includes a private luncheon with key speakers who will give a “Religion & Culture Briefing” plus one complimentary book. Student, group, Gold Circle and VIP package rates are also available. Tickets also include a discount for a Friday night Christian hip-hop concert featuring Tedashii. For more information or to register before the early bird deadline, click here.


Leading up to the event, the TNG team is embarking on a 40 Days of Prayer initiative by asking individual Christians and entire churches to pray that God will help bring truth to a new generation. The prayer event began Aug. 5 and will continue until the day before the Tennessee TNG conference, Sept. 13. Those joining the 40-day prayer commitment are being asked to pray for:


  • The speakers and attendees at the Truth for a New Generation conference
  • God’s Spirit to move in a powerful way
  • Spiritual awakening in America


For conference updates or to register, click here; download the Truth for a New Generation app on iTunes or Google Play. Those interested in serving as an event sponsor or volunteer may also find details at the conference link.


View the media page for Alex McFarland here. For more information on Dr. Alex McFarland, visit www.AlexMcFarland.com or follow him on Facebook or on Twitter @AlexMcFarland.


For more information on TNG or to interview Dr. Alex McFarland, contact Deborah Hamilton, Media@HamiltonStrategies.com, 610.584.1096, ext. 102, or Emily Brunner, ext. 100.

Alex McFarland

Alex has preached in over 2,200 churches throughout North America and numerous more internationally. He also speaks at Christian events, conferences, debates, and other venues to teach biblical truths and preach the gospel.

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