Why Are Millennials Walking Away from Faith?


Fox News and Christian Post Ask Alex McFarland, Author of
‘Abandoned Faith,’ About What Contributes to the Mass Exodus

CHARLOTTE, N.C.—It’s no secret that the millennial generation is walking away from their faith in droves. Studies and surveys confirm this fact. But the question remains—“why?”

Religion and culture expert, national radio host and author Dr. Alex McFarland (www.AlexMcFarland.com), along with co-author, apologist and evangelist Jason Jimenez, explore why millennials are leaving the church and how those who love them can bring them back. These concepts are explored in their new book, “Abandoned Faith: Why Millennials Are Walking Away and How You Can Lead Them Home.”

McFarland was recently interviewed by The Christian Post about this millennial trend, and Fox News also shared McFarland’s insights online. McFarland said that much of the back-peddle from faith is due to the breakdown of the family, but that there is encouragement in sight.

“Something really good about millennials is they’ve got a heart to serve others,” McFarland said. “Twenty-five years ago, to get a bunch of young people to go on missions trips was a challenge, (but today) it’s almost the inverse of that. We have no trouble getting kids to go to developing nations and to get dirty and to work hard.”

When it comes to actual spirituality, the majority of American teens today do have beliefs that guide their thinking.

“(It’s a) combination of works-righteousness, religion as psychological well-being, but a distant non-interfering God,” McFarland added, quoting the words of sociologist Christian Smith. “It’s almost as if (they believe) God is a benign therapist and He exists to enhance my life experience but He certainly wouldn’t interfere with my life.”

The Christian Post also recently reported that just 10 percent of Americans—and 4 percent of millennials—live out a biblical worldview, according to surveys from the American Culture and Faith Institute that veteran researcher George Barna directed. Also, compared to previous generations, millennials are most likely to be religiously unaffiliated, discovered the Pew Research Center.

“Abandoned Faith” sheds new light on what Christian parents must do to reach their young adult children when it comes to matters of faith. “Abandoned Faith” also offers a strong voice of hope for church leaders, employers and others who serve and love the millennial generation.

As of today, “Abandoned Faith” was ranked on Amazon.com as No. 3 in the Kindle Store for Nonfiction / Parenting & Relationships / Family Relationships / Grandparenting book, as well as No. 17 in Books / Parenting & Relationships / Family Relationships / Grandparenting.

In “Abandoned Faith,” McFarland and Jimenez interview top Christian leaders who work with millennials and families. Millennials constitute a group of more than 80 million individuals who are technologically astute, ethnically diverse, and culturally and vibrantly engaged. Yet they face high unemployment and massive debt. These characteristics, coupled with the fact that they comprise the largest number of religiously unaffiliated Americans, should be concerning to every parent, grandparent, pastor and potential employer.

View the media page for Alex McFarland here. For more information on Dr. Alex McFarland, visit www.AlexMcFarland.com or follow him on Facebook or on Twitter @AlexMcFarland.


To book Dr. Alex McFarland for interviews, contact Beth Harrison at 610-584-1096, ext. 104, Media@HamiltonStrategies.com, or Deborah Hamilton at 215-815-7716 or 610-584-1096, ext. 102.

Alex McFarland

Alex has preached in over 2,200 churches throughout North America and numerous more internationally. He also speaks at Christian events, conferences, debates, and other venues to teach biblical truths and preach the gospel.

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