Answering Kids’ Tough Questions


Dr. Alex McFarland’s ‘21 Toughest Questions Your Kids Will Ask About Christianity’ Is Now Available in a DVD Curriculum Series from the American Family Association

CHARLOTTE, N.C.—It’s a complicated world out there, and even adults sometimes question their beliefs in the midst of it all. So kids, especially, may see hurt and evil in society, and although they’ve been taught about a loving and merciful God, the questions they will have about Christianity are inevitable.

For instance, “How do we know that God loves us?” “Why is Jesus the only way to heaven?” “Are the miracles in the Bible true?” “When is Jesus coming back?”

Dr. Alex McFarland (, religion and worldview expert, author and founder of the Truth for a New Generation apologetics conferences, who interacts yearly with about 20,000 young people, addresses these questions in his powerful book, “The 21 Toughest Questions Your Kids Will Ask about Christianity & How to Answer Them Confidently.”

The book has been a go-to choice for faith families, and in fact, has been so popular that last year, Focus on the Family released a newly branded edition. And now, the American Family Association (AFA) is introducing a new DVD curriculum series for “21 Questions” that families, small groups, Bible studies and parenting groups can delve into together.

“Children may not yet have advanced educational degrees, but they ask some of the most insightful and profound questions,” McFarland said. “And these questions are often some of the most difficult to answer and the most frightening for parents to hear. When parents are faced with sincere questions from their children—questions that may impact their eternal destiny—‘because I said so’ simply does not suffice as a response. The reality, though, is that there are answers to these questions, and we can be empowered to speak truth into our children’s lives by learning how to respond in truth and with confidence.”

“The 21 Toughest Questions Your Kids Will Ask about Christianity” book—and now curriculum—builds on McFarland’s two-plus decades of experience answering questions about a Christian worldview and the Bible from children, teens and parents. The book focuses on questions about God, the Father; Jesus, the Son; the Trinity and the Holy Spirit; the Bible; and the Church. A special section is also devoted to questions parents ask.

The “21 Questions” package includes two DVDs, each with three 30-minute sessions (six sessions total), one leader’s guide and one participant’s workbook (also sold separately), featuring questions to enhance the groups study experience.

“We are so excited to be able to offer this new resource on DVD through the American Family Association,” McFarland added. “It’s a blessing to be able to reach so many families—families who have a sincere desire to be a light in their children’s faith and show them the way.

“In a culture that is so riddled with falsehood, it may seem daunting to sift through opinion and arrive at truth,” he continued. “But God does not want us to be ignorant of His word. By equipping ourselves with the truth of scripture, we can impart that truth to others and answer the most important questions our kids will ever ask.”

McFarland is a regular writer for AFA’s “The Stand” blog and is a frequent guest on the American Family Radio program “Today’s Issues.” In the near future, “Today’s Issues” host Tim Wildmon will welcome McFarland to the show for 21 straight weeks so he can address a new question during each program.

The author’s newest book is “The God You Thought You Knew: Exposing the 10 Biggest Myths About Christianity,” in which he dispels the myths and untruths about Christianity and replaces that with the truth of who God really is.

McFarland is the author of numerous other books, including “10 Questions Every Christian Must Answer,” “10 Issues that Divide Christians,” “10 Answers for Skeptics” and the “Stand” series of devotions for teens. McFarland is also an expert in the field of apologetics—the practice of defending the Christian faith in a world where faith in Christ is plummeting at alarming rates.

McFarland has spent years working with young people, interacting with nearly 20,000 per year, and takes the questions of the young to heart. He has preached in more than 1,300 churches and has been featured at conferences such as the Billy Graham School of Evangelism, Focus on the Family’s “Big Dig” and California’s “Spirit West Coast,” sharing the platform with Chuck Colson, Eric Metaxas, Josh McDowell and many others.

Part evangelist, part apologist, part educator and part broadcaster, McFarland focuses on communicating the message of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. He co-hosts the daily, live radio program “Exploring the Word” on American Family Radio’s Talk Network, heard on approximately 140 stations across the country, and the weekly television show “Viral Truth,” airing on the National Religious Broadcasters Network, which he co-hosts with “Stand Strong” co-director Jason Jimenez.

For more information on Stand Strong Ministries, visit, or follow McFarland on Facebook or on Twitter @AlexMcFarland.


To book Dr. Alex McFarland for interviews, contact Deborah Hamilton at 215-815-7716 or 610-584-1096, ext. 102, or Beth Harrison at 610-584-1096, ext. 104,

Alex McFarland

Alex has preached in over 2,200 churches throughout North America and numerous more internationally. He also speaks at Christian events, conferences, debates, and other venues to teach biblical truths and preach the gospel.

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