The After Party



For Immediate Release

February 12, 2024

Hamilton Strategies,, Beth Bogucki 610.584.1096, ext. 105

A wolf in sheep’s clothing; The After Party leftist political project is steeped in hypocrisy and lies,

says Dr. Alex McFarland

‘What the liberal left, media, and creators of The After Party would like is for conservative Christians to hide in the shadows while they torch America’s foundations and make a mockery of God and His Word’

GREENSBORO, N.C.As Americans prepare to vote in the upcoming 2024 presidential election, many Christian conservatives are eagerly anticipating a Republican victory and a return to traditional, American values. A new project by author Curtis Chang, columnist David French and theologian Russell Moore called The After Party is working to “heal political divisions within the Church” while the co-creators openly mock Republican candidate and former president Donald Trump and his supporters. The After Party consists of a six-session course and accompanying study guides on how Christians should remain detached from political engagement, yet Chang, French, and Moore often demonize “white Evangelicals” for their traditional political views on healthcare, the role of government, and more. Many are going as far as labeling the co-founders as “never Trumpers,” or conservatives who openly refuse to vote for the leading Republican candidate no matter who else is running for office.

This outright attack against conservative Christians while masquerading as a religious entity is a prime example of the hypocritical criticism many face in today’s society, according to youth, culture and religion expert Dr. Alex McFarland.

“This two-faced approach to politics is about as underhanded and unbiblical as you get,” said McFarland. “Why does any push for believers to remain neutral in politics inevitably lead to a vote against Christian interests? Chang, French and Moore are trying to convince conservative Christians to stay out of the political arena while they openly bash Donald Trump and ridicule his supporters. What the liberal left, media, and creators of The After Party would like is for conservative Christians to hide in the shadows while they torch America’s foundations and make a mockery of God and His Word. The After Party is directly funded by secular leftist foundations that promote abortion and the LGBTQ lifestyle, including the One America Movement and the Hewlett Foundation, proving that their loyalties lie not with the biblical perspective on these political issues but rather with the social whims of the day.

“For my fellow believers looking to honor their commitment to God and vote accordingly this year, I urge you to consider this one question and choose accordingly: Would you rather have a ‘polite’ villain or a ‘rude’ hero?”

Alex McFarland currently co-hosts Exploring the Word on the American Family Radio Network, airing daily on nearly 200 radio stations across the U.S. He is also the host of the “Alex McFarland Show,” which airs weekly on NRB TV and YouTube. The “Alex McFarland Show” podcast is available here. Alex McFarland co-hosts the “Truth and Liberty Live Call-in Show,” along with Andrew Wommack, Mark Cowart and Richard Harris. The show airs each night, from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. ET, and McFarland hosts Tuesday nights.

McFarland and theologian Bert Harper, veteran cohosts of the nationally syndicated broadcast Exploring the Word, are proud to announce the launch of their latest book, “100 Bible Questions and Answers for Families.” A follow-up to their previous work, “100 Bible Questions and Answers,” this powerful new book promises to guide through some of the most common challenges and queries people have about God, the Bible, and Christian living.

Alex McFarland has authored or co-authored more than 20 books, including the newly released “100 Bible Questions & Answers for Families,” “10 Issues that Divide Christians,” “The God You Thought You Knew,” “10 Answers for Skeptics,” “10 Answers for Atheists,” “The 21 Toughest Questions Your Kids Will Ask About Christianity,” published by Focus on the Family, and more. He directs Biblical Worldview and teaches in the School of Practical Government for Charis Bible College, located in Woodland Park, CO.

McFarland is a frequent guest on Fox News and has been interviewed by other media outlets including Fox and Friends, Focus On The Family radio, NPR’s All Things Considered, The New York Times, The Washington Post, BBC, CBN, La Vie (France), and various news outlets including CBS, FOX, NBC, CSPAN, SRN, and the Associated Press (AP) wire service. He is a contributing writer in print and electronic media, including LA Times, Boston Herald, OK- Celebrity News Magazine, Christianity Today, Charisma, On Mission, Billy Graham’s Decision Magazine, and more.

Learn more about Alex McFarland Ministries at its website, Facebook and Instagram pages, or X feed.


To schedule interviews with Alex McFarland, contact, Beth Bogucki, 610.584.1096 ext. 105.

Alex McFarland

Alex has preached in over 2,200 churches throughout North America and numerous more internationally. He also speaks at Christian events, conferences, debates, and other venues to teach biblical truths and preach the gospel.

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