Evangelicals for Harris is from the upside down


A new group, Evangelicals for Harris, wants you to think she and not Trump is like Billy Graham. It’s easy to cobble together a 10-second soundbite and assign Billy Graham an opinion after he’s dead. To believe that 10 seconds requires you to disregard 99 years of his words and deeds.

The Evangelicals for Harris ad claims Donald Trump’s “words and actions [are] inconsistent with Christ’s teachings and biblical values,” letting you conclude that Kamala Harris would be. Would Billy Graham have voted for Kamala Harris? Should any Evangelical?

They offer no proof she is Christlike because, like her economic plan, there is none. Instead, they let Billy Graham’s words suggest Donald Trump falls short. The question for Christians is not who is more like Billy Graham, but who is more like Christ?

Neither Trump nor Harris is openly religious, so let’s compare their policies to see which aligns most closely with Scripture.

Billy Graham believed the words of the Bible were absolute and unchanging. Acts 17:26 says, “God made from one blood every nation of men who dwell on the earth.”

“Public theologian” Ekemini Uwan (Evangelicals for Harris) condemned the “violence of white Jesus” and said, “Whiteness is wicked.” Is she an Evangelical? Not if her ideas do not reflect the Bible.

Obama’s policy blocked houses of worship from receiving disaster aid. Trump reversed it. Harris sided with Obama.

Trump signed the “Establishment of a White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative” to strengthen the 1994 Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Senator Harris voted for S2752, which would have limited the 1994 Religious Freedom Restoration Act, compelled a Catholic physician to perform abortions, and forced Little Sisters of the Poor to dispense contraceptives.

The Bible clearly values life, from Genesis 1:26 to Jesus’ words, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6). Trump’s actions supported life. He reinstated the Mexico City Policy, preventing $9 billion in U.S. foreign aid from funding abortions. Trump was the first U.S. president to address the March for Life rally live via satellite.

Harris reiterated at the debate that if elected, she would legalize unrestricted abortion nationwide.

Trump appointed Constitutionalist Justices. As District Attorney, Harris manipulated laws. The Hill observed that “the most dangerous place for a constitutional norm is to be standing between Harris and her political ambitions.”

The differences could not be starker nor the implications weightier. Harris needs Evangelicals – hence the million-dollar ad. They are desperate for the North Carolina Evangelical vote.

Why would God use Trump with all his personal flaws? Billy Graham said, “All you need is God. If you’re totally surrendered and totally dedicated and say, “Lord, here’s my hand with all I’ve got,” God has a place for you. He can use you.”

I was on the Good Friday call in 2020 when President Trump read Isaiah 53 and said, “I believe in Jesus. I believe John 3:16.” Is he perfect? No. I don’t know his heart, but I see his actions. The world is not a kind and gentle place; we need a leader who values winning, not surrendering, life, not death, prosperity, not equity, Americanism, not Marxism, and knows Israel is not the enemy.

If you believe Donald Trump should not be President because he isn’t perfect, I can’t help you; no president ever was. But if you think Harris is a real Bible-believing Evangelical, I have some land in Florida for sale.

I am an Evangelical. I am for Christ, biblical values, and a Christian worldview. That makes it impossible for me to be for Harris. Which set of values reflects yours? I’m Alex McFarland.

This article was originally published in The Daily Caller here under the title, Evangelicals For Harris? More Made-Up Groups For Harris

Alex McFarland

Alex has preached in over 2,200 churches throughout North America and numerous more internationally. He also speaks at Christian events, conferences, debates, and other venues to teach biblical truths and preach the gospel.

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