
10 respuestas para los escépticos: Tenga las respuestas preparadas (Spanish Edition)

Alex McFarland lleva dos décadas respondiendo preguntas de personas de todas las edades sobre la cosmovisión y la Biblia. Con el fin de demostrarle a nuestra cultura que el cristianismo es sensato y relevante, ha debatido con escépticos y pasado incontables horas hablando individualmente con personas sobre Cristo. En 10 respuestas para los escépticos, Alexidentifica los 10 tipos de escepticismos más comunes que asedian las mentes incrédulas. Además, ofrece estrategias que han sido comprobadas para que pueda  conectarse intelectual y espiritualmente con aquellos individuos que se sienten escépticos sobre los reclamos del cristianismo.

Los escépticos de hoy en día buscan autenticidad, integridad y la verdad sin rodeos, y cómo  usted responda a esas preguntas es tan importante como las respuestas que ofrece. Aprenderá cómo responder preguntas intimidantes, identificará la raíz detrás de las preguntas y desmantelará las “bombas espirituales” que lanzan los incrédulos. Además, recibirá ánimo para afrontar a los escépticos que conozca al perseverar en amor, ¡esta es la mejor apologética que puede ofrecer como discípulo de nuestro amado Señor!  

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About Alex

Alex McFarland is the author of numerous books dealing with apologetics and the Christian world view. He has contributed chapters and/or content to numerous other books dealing with youth, religion, and culture, and has written more than 150 published articles.

For more than a decade Alex has been co-host of “Exploring The Word,” a nationally-syndicated, live Bible teaching program heard daily on the American Family Radio Network ( He is Director of Biblical Worldview for Charis Bible College, located in Woodland Park, CO (

Alex has been interviewed by Fox and Friends,, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Daily Show with John Stewart, and by many other media outlets as well. In a 2009 story, CNN called Alex McFarland, “an expert on world religions and cults.”

From 2005-2010, Alex served as President of Southern Evangelical Seminary, Charlotte, NC. Prior to this, Alex served as Focus On The Family’s “Director of Teen Apologetics.” In his home state of NC, Alex McFarland was named one of “Forty Leaders Under The Age of Forty,” by the Jaycees. Alex is the only evangelist known to have preached in all 50 states in only 50 days, through his “Tour Of Truth.” This crusade across America included 64 evangelistic services, became the subject of Alex’s first book, and was used by God to bring many people to personal faith in Christ.

Alex has spoken in more than 2,000 different churches throughout North America and internationally. He has been featured at conferences such as The Billy Graham School of Evangelism, Focus On The Family’s Big Dig, and others. His complete bio, current schedule, and more is posted at,

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