A Book Every Christian Should Own


Dr. Alex McFad908d75 d809 4139 8448 5021ec97ec03arland has provided an endorsement for Josh McDowell’s re-released, best-selling book, “Evidence That Demands a Verdict,” named by Christianity Today as one of the top 50 books that has shaped evangelicals. The original “Evidence That Demands a Verdict” was a classic defense of the Christian faith, and McDowell gave Christian readers the answers they needed to defend the trustworthiness of the Bible, its teachings, and the core truths of Christianity against the harshest critics of that time. 
Now, with his son, Sean McDowell, Josh has completely updated and expanded this proven resource. Featuring thorough revisions, updates and new chapters, his magnum opus addresses today’s postmodern culture. The new version of “Evidence That Demands a Verdict” will be released Oct. 3. 
“The brand-new, fully updated edition of ‘Evidence That Demands a Verdict: Life-Changing Truth for a Skeptical World” releases soon, and this is a book that all Christians should own!” McFarland writes for his endorsement. “I am an apologist today due to the impact the original edition made on my life.  A new believer at age 21, my college friends were firing objections at me.  Only three days into my Christian walk, I bought ‘Evidence’ and began to read it over and over—footnotes and all!  The book became my tutor, my skeptical friends began to be won to Christ, and the direction of my future was set … I would become an apologist for Christianity.  I know firsthand the power of Josh’s research and personal example, and I’m thrilled that a new generation is about to experience this bona fide classic, ‘Evidence that Demands a Verdict.'” 
Those who pre-order McDowell’s ‘Evidence’ before Oct. 3 will receive a discounted, signed copy. Friends of Alex McFarland can also use the code ALEX at checkout for free shipping. Visit www.josh.org/evidence to pre-order and use the special free shipping code ALEX.


Alex McFarland

Alex has preached in over 2,200 churches throughout North America and numerous more internationally. He also speaks at Christian events, conferences, debates, and other venues to teach biblical truths and preach the gospel.

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