All That I Am: The Influence of a Mother


American President Abraham Lincoln said, “All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” His mother, Nancy Hanks Lincoln, died when he was only nine years old.

Though he knew her for just a few short years, one of our nation’s greatest presidents owed “all that I am” to her influence. The impact of a mother on her child’s life remains one of the greatest honors and responsibilities today.

I, too, can look back at my mother and agree all that I am today is the result of her influence in my early life. Every diaper she changed, meal she made, and teaching she shared helped make me the person I am decades later.

On Mother’s Day, we take a moment to honor those who have cared for us. When we look at biblical examples of godly mothers, we can find many. However, the example of Mary, the mother of Jesus, it arguably the greatest example of a mother’s love. Her life offers three important observations for us today.

First, Mary embraced her role. When the angel Gabriel announced Mary would become the mother of the Messiah, she accepted the call and sang to God in praise. She did not complain or focus on herself. Mary honored God by her attitude toward becoming a mother.

Second, Mary excelled in her role. She not only gave birth to Jesus; she also raised Him according to God’s Word. By the time Jesus was 12 years old, he was visiting the Jewish temple and instructing the religious leaders, who were amazed at His questions.

Third, Mary endured in her role. When Jesus faced his final painful hour on the cross, one of the only people to remain by His side until the end was His mother, Mary. Despite the odds, she would not abandon her son. She served Him until His final breath.

Still today, godly mothers embrace their role, excel in it, and endure despite the struggles of parenthood. Make time this Mother’s Day to thank and honor your mother.

This month, one way you can honor your mother, whether she is still living or in memorial, would be through a gift to impact the next generation. With your financial gift to Alex McFarland Ministries, you can express your gratitude through helping young people come to faith in Christ and grow in Him. Visit to safely give online, or mail your gift to Alex McFarland Ministries, P.O. Box 485, Pleasant Garden, NC 27313.

Alex McFarland

Alex has preached in over 2,200 churches throughout North America and numerous more internationally. He also speaks at Christian events, conferences, debates, and other venues to teach biblical truths and preach the gospel.

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