Ask Alex

What happens to people who haven’t heard the gospel?

Scripture makes it clear that people are condemned by their actions, their sins, and this is known in one’s heart (see Rom. 2:14-15). In short, no one is ever condemned to hell because of not hearing the gospel. People are condemned for their sin.
God offers a “way out” to all people. No one is unaware that God exists, and the Bible is clear that man is accountable to Him (see Ps. 19; Rom. 1:18-2:12). Whether it is in faraway jungles or urban centers, God sends light to every person. The problem is that people reject the light they have been given.

Alex McFarland

Alex has preached in over 2,200 churches throughout North America and numerous more internationally. He also speaks at Christian events, conferences, debates, and other venues to teach biblical truths and preach the gospel.

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