Ask Alex

Why isn’t the Book of Enoch in the Bible?


Though many people claim the book of Enoch should be included in the Scriptures, it is not part of the canon of Scripture (God-inspired books). It was not taken out of the canon, but was simply never part of the canon at all (though the Catholic church accepts some supposedly inspired books that don’t meet other tests for inclusion as inspired Scripture). The book of Enoch is part of what is called pseudepigrapha or “false writings,” which try and use a seemingly legitimate authority’s name to make the writings appear valid even though they are often written long after that person would have lived. Enoch, for example, was among some of the earliest people on earth and was in heaven long before any of the other Bible books would have even been written. In fact, all of mankind aside from Noah as well as any writings that may have existed were wiped out in the worldwide flood of Genesis 6.

The book of Enoch does connect with some ideas from Scripture, particularly where it expands on the narrative that comes from Genesis 6:1–4 about the Nephilim or giants in the days of Noah as well as the narrative where Enoch is taken up (Genesis 5:24). And Jude references something that appears to be from the book of Enoch, but that doesn’t make it an authoritative book of the Bible. So, by all means, pursue some study on the subject by reading the articles above and perhaps some of the books recommended at the bottom of the articles that go far more in depth on the canonicity of Scripture.

Remember, knowing whether we can trust our Scriptures is everything for the faith, so this is an important subject to make sure you have a firm faith foundation to rest on so you can stand on the Word of God with strength in a world that doubts it’s truth.

Alex McFarland

Alex has preached in over 2,200 churches throughout North America and numerous more internationally. He also speaks at Christian events, conferences, debates, and other venues to teach biblical truths and preach the gospel.

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