Who Can Really Make a Difference in this World?


Not long ago, a discouraged minister recently said to me, “At one time I thought that I was going to help change the world . . . Now that the years have gone by, I realize that it’s just not possible to make much of a difference.  You get by, and maybe leave a mark here or there.”  He seemed disappointed and jaded.  He exhibited what I call, “battle-fatigue.” 

None of us are immune to discouragement, but it is easy to be burdened by the deplorable condition in which the world seems to stay!  Deep down inside, we would all like to make a difference in the world.  At the risk of sounding naive, at the risk of being criticized for wishful thinking, admit it!  Wouldn’t you like to make a positive difference in the world . . . if you could?

You may have asked yourself,  “Can’t anybody do something about the shape that this world is in?”   “Can’t somebody do something to help change America for the better?”        

I am here to inform you today, that there is a person who could be used to radically improve things in this world today.  There is a person who, if they would so chose, could make an impact that would have eternal implications. 

Let’s face it – the only type of person who could make a difference in this world, the only type of person who could stand up and address the challenges that we face today, would have to be a person led by God Almighty.  A person who was used to change today’s world, would have to be somebody guided by Lord Himself.  But I’m not talking about some clergyman, or even the pastor of your church.  There is a person, who God can use to change the world, and we desperately need this person to step up and accept the challenge of making a difference for God.  How serious is the need for dedication on the part of this person?

World evangelism and revival could be influenced by what this person does;  The souls of people are at stake, futures hang in the balance…. I submit to you, that the eternal destiny of specific individuals could be changed forever, if this person described would rise to face the spiritual challenges of the hour.  There is such a person, with potential to make an eternal difference for Christ, for truth, and for the good.

Maybe the person of whom I am speaking, is unaware that they do, in fact, have the potential to change the world.  The individual that I’m talking about –  poised to change the world, having been given the potential a difference – the person of whom I am speaking . . . is YOU.

Your response may be, “Me?  Change the world?”  To that I would answer, Absolutely!” 

Are you a born-again Christian – one who loves Christ, believes the Scriptures, and cares about what is right ?  Are you one of the few whose heart is characterized by obedience to Jesus, and compassion for the souls of people?  If so, you are poised and positioned, ready to be used by God to change the world.

In times of crisis God raises up leaders, as He always does.  Israel faced many situations of genuine danger, times when their very survival was in question.  The aged Mordecai realized that his cousin Esther had the potential, through God, to change their world, for the good.  He said to her, “For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arrive from another place…but you and your father’s house will perish… Yet who knows, whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this? (Esther 4:14).

Like Esther, your life situation at this time is no accident.  God can use you in unimaginable ways for incalculable good-  if you are willing to be used.  We need revival, and you can play a role in bringing that about!  Consider these facts, of which you may not have been aware . . .


You can make a positive, tangible difference that will have eternal implications.  History’s great revivals are the stories of God using individuals.  Do away with the “Somebody else” mentality!  Often, we assume that somebody else will teach that Sunday school class.  “Somebody else” will give tithes, somebody else will invite that neighbor  to church.  God knows that we have been alerted to the needs of this hour, yet we tell ourselves, “Oh, somebody else will do it!”

Allow me to let you in on a secret:  “Somebody else” doesn’t exist!  God will work in your life, when you see that holiness and faithfulness is your personal responsibility!  It is also your privilege.  “Somebody else” can’t walk with Jesus for you – you’ve got to do it!  You’ve got to obey Christ personally, stand for the Gospel openly, and realize that change will never come if we wait for “somebody else” to initiate it.

It is almost as if we are hoping that the evils in this world will be addressed by somebody more spiritual and more courageous than ourselves!  Revival will come when Christians view themselves as personally accountable for the spiritual future of the nation.


If you are a Christian, the possibility of you being a “world changer”should not strike you as surprising!  Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do, shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do, Because I go unto my Father.  And whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”   (John 14:12-13).

The Christian church is not to sit by passively, unable to make a difference in this world of spiritual need!  After Jesus’ ascension to heaven, the Holy Spirit came in power to the church, to empower the church!  God has therefore made it possible that all Christians make a tangible difference in the world!

Without exception, every born-again Christian, has some Spiritual gift, imparted by God for the building up of His Kingdom.  Are you using your abilities for God’s purposes? The Bible reminds us to not let our “tools” get rusty!  “Therefore I remind you, to stir up the gift of God that is with in you,” (II Tim. 1:6).  Christian friend, your church and the cause of Christ worldwide needs you like never before!  Perhaps you’ve forgotten that God saved you, gifted you, and left you here – to participate in the fulfillment of Christ’s Great Commission!  Are you fulfilling the role that God ordained for you to play?             


In our own strength, we can do nothing.  No man or woman can hope to change this world, only God can do it.  But God uses people!  Therefore, the person surrendered to God, could be used by God, to fulfill the purposes of God.      

God wants to use you, but He doesn’t expect you to “go it alone.”  In one’s own strength, no one could live the Christian life, much less impact the world with the Christian message.

But through the Holy Spirit’s power God can use you to accomplish great purposes.   It has been said that, “Most of our limits are self-imposed.”  How true!  Whoever you are, God can use you, and He will!  But remember Jesus’ words, “. . .Without me, you can do nothing.”  (John 15:5).     

Remember:  *You can play a role in the revival that is needed;  *You are designed to play a role;  *God will empower you to fulfill your intended role; and finally,


The world needs to evangelized, the church needs to be revived.  It is doubtful that any Christians would argue these points.  But realize this- that,  though these things are monumental in scope, God has historically acted to address these needs, by simply working through people like yourself.

Dear Christian- Are you speaking the truth even when it is not popular?  Do you express your Christian faith to others?    Are you courageous enough to remind people that, “The Bible says that there is no salvation apart from Jesus Christ!”  Are you willing to obediently say the things people need to hear, though they may not necessarily bewhat people want to hear?  Revivals have come when some God-empowered persons, dared to challenge the conventional wisdom.  Change has always been initiated, when some servant of God, squared off against the prevailing thought of the day!  And while disregarding the criticisms of lesser men, oblivious to ridule of those who are spirutally blinded, the faithful and fearless have been used by God, to change the world.

And in this day, that some one has got to be YOU! 

“Yet who knows, whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

(Esther 4:14).  You, like Esther, have an option… you can take a stand for Christ, regardless of the cost-  you can pray to God and plead with people, You can initiate deliverance, from what would otherwise be a time of destruction.  Like Esther (and like countless faithful Christian soldiers of the past) You can do the right thing and be God’s leader, or you, your family, and your nation may perish.

As we once again thank God for our nation’s Independence, won’t you rededicate yourself to the One in whom is found true freedom and liberty, Jesus Christ.  Today, become a WORLD-CHANGER, for Christ!

Alex McFarland

Alex has preached in over 2,200 churches throughout North America and numerous more internationally. He also speaks at Christian events, conferences, debates, and other venues to teach biblical truths and preach the gospel.

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