Exposing the Lies of Socialism


Maybe it all began with the “participation trophies.”

A couple of decades ago, youth sports leagues in many communities began to disallow “winning” or “losing,” and all players on both teams received a trophy simply for having played. Bestowing the so-called “participation trophy” became common throughout many childhood activities. 

The unintended consequence has been that we devalued achievement: Hard work, sacrifice and dedication to a cause –these time-honored virtues are not prized as they once were.  

And now, well into the 21st century, elected officials, educators and celebrity pundits say that all people deserve free healthcare, guaranteed income and free college tuition (resulting in degrees received without any pass or fail grading). I have even read a couple of online posts in which the writers opine (I am assuming with a straight face) that, “Access to WIFI is a human right.”   

These and other unrealistic ideas have been pumped into the minds of several generations of Americans. In many a locality, policies that amount to “forced utopianism” and pipe dream “equity” have resulted in 1) An exodus of individuals and businesses who are able to leave and seek saner pastures; 2) diminished standards of life and safety for those unfortunate enough to remain; and 3) unfounded “blame” that America is “structurally racist,” and in need of reinvention.  
Nothing is wrong with America that a thorough return to Constitutional principles won’t fix. We’ve become a lawless people, restlessly demanding things that we feel we’re “owed.”   

False promises and lies of socialism: Exposed, at least, in this ministry’s content

In the summer of 2024, I debated a very liberal pastor on FOX News, a clergyman who prided himself on operating a couple of non-profits that help underprivileged people. The man denigrates “greedy capitalism” and the “lack of compassion” inherent in a free-market system that promises no guarantees except opportunity.

But I asked him how his charities were funded. “By compassionate donors,” he said. “People who actually care about the welfare of other human beings,” he went on. As if those of us against socialism necessarily don’t care about other human beings.

Whether or not this minister’s charitable endeavors are worthwhile, I don’t know. But I pointed out that his “donors” have the money to subsidize his efforts, because they are not socialists. Here is the contradiction:  Socialism needs the fruits of capitalism to fund their anti-capitalist, proposed solutions. Capitalism does not need socialism in order to work.     

Would the implementation of socialist policies and (ultimately) a Marxist government be compassionate to citizens? Consider two things that pro-socialist voices want: “Free” college tuition and “free healthcare.”  The math behind such socialist goals does not compute.

A Gospel Truth Conference attendee, in Phoenix AZ, once said, “This type of teaching is exactly what is needed in the church today; the videos and workbook are so helpful and instructive.”

If our government taxed 100% of the earnings of the wealthiest Americans (about one trillion dollars, annually) even this would not wipe out all student loan debt (over 1.3 trillion dollars). What about Medicare? Every penny the wealthiest Americans will make over the next 12 months (again, roughly one trillion dollars) wouldn’t keep Medicare going even for three years. 

And still, nothing is left to fund “guaranteed basic income for all,” and other seemingly endless government programs socialists demand must be started.

Socialism/communism? Not in the Bible

Younger Christians today have been told that early Christians practiced socialism. This is false; the charity practiced by first-century believers was voluntary. It was based on the love of God, whereas socialist/Marxist regimes are inherently godless and generally suppress religious freedom.

Further, regarding the largesse (groups of people who won’t work, which in socialist societies is well documented), God’s Word warns that if a man won’t work, he shouldn’t be given free food (2 Thessalonians 3:10). For those who try and argue that Christianity is somehow compatible with socialism, hard economic facts, history, and the Bible say differently.

The ideas of socialism have been planted into the consciousness of many Americans — even some Christians.  Shocking numbers of young adults now indicate a favorable view of Marxist ideas. The dehumanizing, false promises of Marxist economics must not go unchallenged. 

It is imperative that such indoctrination be answered, and our publishing and broadcasting efforts critique socialism factually and effectively. In addition to the saving of souls, I believe that the church today must engage in the changing of minds and empower people to effectively respond to this destructive philosophy.

Dr. Alex McFarland is a youth, religion and culture expert, a national talk show host and speaker, educator and author of 20 books. Via the American Family Radio Network, Alex is heard live on Exploring the Word, airing daily on nearly 200 radio stations across the U.S. “The Alex McFarland Show,” airs weekly on NRB TV. McFarland directs Biblical Worldview and apologetics for Charis Bible College in Woodland Park, CO. He has recently released a free voter’s guide to encourage Christians to exercise their God-given right to vote according to a biblical worldview. Be a voice for biblical values at the ballot box — get your free Faith & Freedom Voter’s Guide now!

Alex McFarland

Alex has preached in over 2,200 churches throughout North America and numerous more internationally. He also speaks at Christian events, conferences, debates, and other venues to teach biblical truths and preach the gospel.

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